Calling all shopaholics!
If retail therapy is your all-time stress reliever - then the malls are your clinic and the bills are your prescription. I didn't say it is the only cure, but IMHO it sure works for me at times when I need it the most. I don't go out much, and I don't shop very often either. I tend to fall under the savvy shopper category, and always have the needwant in my head, "Do I need this or do I want this?". And if it falls on the want, then I shrug my shoulders and leave before I change my mind. On the other hand, if it is a matter-of-life-and-death-kind-of-need, (OK I am exaggerating) then I scour the internet and find the best deals. And that's how I found Ebates. Who says you can't spend & earn at the same time?
Whenever I go online, I make sure I log into my Ebates account. What is Ebates? Ebates is the pioneer and leader of online cash back shopping. It
pays members cash back every time they shop online as well as provide
them with the best coupons and deals online. Best of all, it is FREE to join! For example, if you are a Macy's fan, you earn 3% cashback regardless of how much you spend. And sometimes if you are lucky, your favorite store might even give double cashback. Right now, Macy's is one of them so you earn 8% cashback. Cool, huh? Once you've earned $5.01 or more, they will either send you a check or thru your Paypal account. Or if you're feeling generous - you can even choose to donate your earnings to a charity of your choice.
I just got mine, and here's the proof:

For first-time registrants, you will get a bonus $10 gift card. Just make sure that you log onto Ebates everytime you shop online for you to earn cashback, otherwise you won't. Sometimes I tend to forget specially when I'm in a hurry and how I wish I could redo it if I could (darn!) but anyway, there's always a second chance.
Interested? Sign up through the link below and start earning!
They say it's better to give than to receive. In this case, you can do BOTH! Sweeeeeeet!!